Wednesday, July 16, 2008


So. Here is my latest project gone wrong. I have a white futon in the work room/play room - it looks nice, but it is sort of I decided to make pillow and seat covers that can be washed.

Sadly, sometimes perfectly good visions do not transition into real life. I bought material that went well together and that I liked and still like. I spent several hours on the pillow covers and thought they turned out kind of nice. THEN I made the seat cushion and....oh yuk! Christmas in July! Who would have known?

So now I am stuck with deciding to keep part of it, scrap it all or try something different all together.

I tried it with just the pillows and the white seat cushion - it might be ok but seems to need something.

I tried a small green pillow - even that small touch of green jars the senses.

Maybe a small pillow or two of the watermelon red color?

And none of this solves my original problem does it? Ah well, some days just end in limbo.


Ada said...

face it you're just a Christmasy sort of gal

Ada said...

p.s. - my solution is a brown. A dark taupe or something else warm. That will warm up the red - make it less candy.

Creative Mama said...

white bleaches well? it might work... I think I like the pillows with the white...

diane said...

I will test it with taupe both light and dark (before I sew)...and I suppose I could make a white cover just as well as a color. But I love sewing with color and pattern (which is why I love it when Mary Sue picks out the colors for the baby quilts). If you are a neutral kind of girl like me, color sooths the spirit.