I still dream about whatever project I am working on and if I am not working on anything particular, I find myself dreaming of excel spreadsheet formulas or even plumbing (always the romantic). Though I ultimately failed to produce four year old Abby's vision of a perfect "twirl dress", the pleasure was in the trying AND I have not given up - dress number five is in the works.
So, then I started thinking about all the things I have made in my lifetime (most not captured in photos) and in sheer volume alone the list is impressive. Besides the drawings and paintings, there was, stained glass, pottery, macreme, crochet, sewing and probably stuff I can't remember. I wonder where I found the time to cook dinner, read to my children, babysit for a bunch of kids, devour books, sort of clean the house, sort of mow the yard, and do laundry? There were projects that never saw the light of day; the dress I tried sewing by hand, the giant Barbie doll house

So I suppose I am trying to say that for better or worse making things is what I do .

And I am having a terrible time uploading, resizing and moving pictures (at one point I lost them all)...so this is all you get...
And, cheezy and true: For every project, I have attached many childhood memories.
This is actually very good to know. I start to feel badly that I get the fruits of so many of these labors... but if its your "thing" your outlet... then I just feel good to be sharing in the experience or journey.
These photos are amazing!! Did you make all of those costumes?
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